Before you can begin to take driving lessons, you must first have a provisional driving licence. Click here to learn how to apply online for your provisional driving licence.
Theory Test - Click here to learn how to book your theory test.
Practical test - Click here to learn how to book your practial test.
Check, change or cancel your practical test - Click here.
National Standard for driving cars (Category B) - This sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to be a safe and responsible car driver.
Safe and responsible driving syllabus for cars (category B) - This sets out an approach to providing effective learning for drivers.
Driving in Great Britain on a non-GB licence - If you are an expatriate considering driving in the UK, you will find information here to keep you safe and legal.
Despatch.blog.gov.uk - This blog is aimed at Driver and Rider Trainers, however; you may find some useful reading materials, videos and links to keep you up to date with what is expected on your driving test.
Check back here regularly as more useful links are added.