Covid-19: Changes to how lessons will be carried out.
All clients must agree to have their details kept in line with the Government’s Track & Trace guidelines
All clients will be required to wear an appropriate face mask (minimum 2 layer), to be put on before entering the car, and to use hand sanitiser. Gloves can be worn if the client wishes, but hand sanitiser will still require to be used.
Please try to attend your lesson bringing only what you need, such as driving licence, spectacles if worn, suitable mask, pen and paper, etc. If it is necessary that you have anything other than the essentials with you, such as school bag, sports kit, etc., you will be required to store these in the boot along with outdoor coats, etc., should you decide to remove them.
Be aware that the windows in the car will be open as much as practicable, and where possible discussions will take place outside of the car.
We will no longer be allowed to share writing materials, so it is imperative you bring your own notepad and pen/pencil with you. You can then take notes, or if necessary, draw pictures/diagrams to discuss situations.
Any lengthy discussions/questions may need to be covered via email after the lesson.
The car will be rigorously sanitised between clients, and between my leaving the driver seat and you entering it.
I will do my best to ensure clients learning needs are addressed. If necessary, any additional learning will be via email. If you have any questions, please ask.
I will require to check licences digitally.
It is preferable that all lessons be paid via direct bank transfer (BACS). However; cash payments can still be accepted. If you intend to pay in cash, please bring the correct amount as no change will be given. All cash taken will be kept in a sealed container to protect all clients from cross contamination.
Covid-19: short notice cancellations
If you or any member of your household are displaying symptoms of Covid-19, it is important that you do not attend for your lesson. The usual short notice cancellation fee will be waived under these circumstances, though please do let me know as soon as possible.
If you do cancel a lesson at short notice owing to Covid-19, please be aware you will be unable to book another lesson for 14 days; unless you can provide proof of a negative test.
Anyone cancelling lessons at short notice owing to Covid-19 more than once will be required to pay for the lesson in full, unless they can prove they have been tested, in which case the fee will be waived.
All other short notice cancellations, i.e. less than 48 hours, will be charged at the agreed lesson price.